Penelope Stewart
July 7, 2017Protected: Staff Updates
July 17, 2017Laura Vickerson is a Calgary-based installation artist and educator. She is presently a Professor at the Alberta College of Art & Design. Her art production varies in form, medium and scale from more intimate garment-based works made with gauze and/or wax to large-scale installations involving rose petals pinned to yards of sheer fabric. She has produced site-specific installations for various international exhibitions including the Istanbul Biennial as well as a project in the UK through Locus + titled “Fairytales and Factories”. She has exhibited extensively in Canada as well as the US, Britian, Turkey, Poland and China. She has participated in several artist residencies includingThe Banff Centre for the Arts (Banff, Alberta) and the “Sympo-Fibres International” in Ste-Hyacinth, Quebec. She has been the recipient of numerous grants and awards through the Alberta Foundation for the Arts, The Canada Council for the Arts, Foreign Affairs and International Trade, and the Arts Council of England.
Laura is interested in the stuff of life. She often work with discarded objects and materials that were, at one time, a part of everyday life. The materials she employs have included domestic objects, flowers, paper discards, old linens and second hand clothing. Through changing trends and a general desire to consume these things outlive their usefulness and are discarded. These objects and materials serve as signifiers of relationships and connections we have with the world around us and to one another. It is perhaps, these relationships that ultimately lie at the center of my explorations.
July 2017