Working Hands by Melanie Doiron
April 22, 2019
Anton Cu Unjieng
May 13, 2019Exhibition runs May 14—July 17, 2019
Opening May 23, 2019 from 6-8pm.
This exhibition is part of the 2019 Medalta International Artists in Residence program.
Grace Boyd’s ceramic work expresses the ties we, as humans, form to our local communities and our natural surroundings. In her practice she is seeking to provide a connection to person, place, and the elements, through the medium of clay. It is with clay that Grace is able to celebrate the inherent bonding to the very earth we walk upon and the surface sensations we experience as we move through the natural world. By making objects of utility she is able to bring clay into our everyday experiences. Connections to community appear when her pieces are given a place at the table as part of our everyday rituals.
Grace’s work is a relentless and necessary search for connection to the world within and around herself. Her work’s surface, form, and function are inspired by the deep attachment she has with nature. Making objects from the local clay harvested, and embellished with surfaces gathered from near by tie these vessels and the users to the place of creation. Body, mind and lifeforce.
Artist Biography
I am an emerging creator in the field of ceramics, currently based out of Nunavut, Canada. My early life was a nomadic one and I was lucky enough to live in some amazing places surrounded by natural beauty that shaped who I am today. These places I called home also inspire my work and my constant need to connect; person, place, and object. I am ever seeking a natural place of rest for my soul and mind, this drives me to create the world I wish to be surrounded by. I have been a maker and a builder my whole life and am ever drawn to and curious of handmade objects and how they are made.