Throwing Large (Onggi Making) with Grace Han
January 21, 2022
Kerria Grey
March 24, 2022Eva Tellier is a Franco-Australian ceramic artist. Born in France and currently living in Montréal, Canada,
she has graduated in fine arts from Concordia University. She is presently working on personal projects
towards an MFA in ceramics, teaches ceramic workshops and assists a ceramic artist. She recently came
back from a residency at Guldagergaard international ceramic research center. She exhibits her ceramics
in Montréal and actively takes part in the local art scene.
In my practice, I am interested in how I can express sensual feminine qualities using the material of clay.
I work on vessels and pots, traditional containers that I reinterpret by using repetitive and ornamental
surface treatments. Texture and the feeling it provokes for the viewer are integral to my sculptures which
aim to create emotions that fluctuate between fascination and repulsion. These vessels find their
inspiration in organic patterns, in the history of ornament, and the social history of craft. A personal tale
is told through a surrealist assembling of objects.
February 2022 – March 2022