Maria Riviere
May 17, 2022
Emma Petropoulos
May 17, 2022BIO
Often finding levity in most situations, her earthenware pieces do the same with their friendly colourful exteriors. Originally planning on building a portfolio for an illustrative program, she had taken an intro to ceramics course and found a strong interest and quickly applied for the ceramics program at Sheridan college instead. She will be graduating from the program in spring 2023.
Storytelling and identity are themes that play on the surfaces of my earthenware pots. While they often have sensitive narrative, the friendly and almost naïve surface brings a sense of levity that can mask the message of the illustrative exterior. The pieces vary from functional dinner ware to large illustrative pottery, all with the similar friendly colourful surface that is decorated with stained Terra Sigillata or colourful underglaze.
Student Award Recipient 2022